Wow, it's been nearly 3 weeks since I've last posted - and what a busy 3 weeks they were! Our school had it's first two week holiday, but every teacher gets to teach a 'camp' for one week during holiday, and the last week of October was mine! I had planned to teach a duct tape camp with my good friend and colleague Suzanne, but she was moved to another camp, so my flat mate Amos assisted me. What creative and interesting campers we had! They crafted so many things from duct tape: wallets, purses, hats, masks, even bats, dragons and models of famous structures! I was very impressed. A special thank-you to Israel, who brought us reserve duct tape in our hour of need (the students went through it much faster than I had anticipated) and even organized a game of kick ball with the campers!

I was lucky
enough to see TWO double rainbows! Both days were very lucky for me!
We also visited the beautiful and historic city of Nuremberg. We walked around the Kaiserburg (Imperial Castle), shopped in the old town, ate some of the famous Nuremburg sausages, visited the Speilzugmuseum (toy museum), the Dokumentationszentrum Reichsparteitagsgelande (Documentation Cetnre Party Rally Grounds) and St. Sebalds, a reconstructed cathedral. It was an amazing trip, full of interesting sights and good company!

Finally, I participated in my very first St Martin's Day lantern parade. I had my own lantern with a lit candle! We marched around school and then enjoyed bread men and warm punch! It is a fun winter tradition.