I apologize for abandoning my blog and losing contact at the beginning of this year. My world was quite a bit crazy and it's taken this long to get back on my feet. I'll try to sum it up for you. Just after the new year, when I was happily teaching my adorable 2nd graders English, math & science, as well as math and science to my wonderful 5th & 6th grade, one of my colleagues was inexplicably let go. It was unfortunate for MANY reasons, one of which was when I was asked to take over his upper classes: 7th-10th science & 9-10th math. I was hesitant, as half of those classes are outside my certification; but I love math & science, I wanted to be a team player, and I was promised assistance. Sadly, it required that I no longer teach 2nd grade. Instead I devoted ALL my energy to my new classes. Well, it didn't progress as smoothly as hoped. I spent many long hours trying to serve my students' needs, but to be honest I was not the right person for the task. I did my job to the best of my ability, and spread myself too thin doing so. Additionally, the school lost other amazing teachers and was operating on a skeleton crew - less than optimal learning conditions. Due to some additional challenges, I had to move out of the teacher house I had been renting a room at on fairly short notice. Fortunately the FABULOUS friends I've made came to my rescue, helped me move, and patiently waited until the perfect opportunity landed at my feet thanks to the networking of my cousins. I was happy in Heidelberg for the final 3 months of my last contract, despite the hectic hours coordinating classes at school.
I am happy to report that, through an incredible stroke of luck, I landed my dream job! I am now living in Wiesbaden, teaching 5th grade Language, Science, Social Studies and Maths at Frankfurt International School's Wiesbaden campus in Naurod. This is such a spectacular opportunity for me because the school teaches the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program curriculum, which aligns closely with my personal teaching philosophy! The instructors are every bit as high caliber as my colleagues at my last school. The bonus is that this school has a wealth of resources and support. I am impressed and delighted each day as I learn and grow; my students are about to finish our first week together and I am looking forward to an epic year with them. I count my blessings everyday.
I am grateful for your love and support! I would not feel successful, and indeed may not have survived this past year without the enduring encouragement I have received from those special people in my life. I hope you know who you are, but just in case, here's a shout out to some of you whom I appreciate more than I can express (in no particular order): Kyle, Angela, Eric, Greg, Suzanne, Harper, Illia, Sina, Sebastian, Catherine, Kathryn, Melek, Ingvar, Alicia, Jeremy, Chris, Trek, Sean, Bogdan, Louise, Charlie, Trish, Mike, Andrea, Michael, Michale, Isaac, Bridget, Patrick, Casey, Chase, Justin, Marci, Angie, and Israel. This is in no way a comprehensive list, and many more helped me through this year, but to the ones listed, I am most grateful. I always love you and if you ever need anything from me, I hope you never hesitate to ask!
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